Sixteen days ago we welcomed our Bean into the family fold. She was born weighing 9lb 2.5oz with a beautiful thatch of dark hair and very munchable chubby cheeks.
I sell fine art photography of natural phenomenon, landscapes, cityscapes and nature on my Etsy shop I also create mixed media paintings, cards and ornaments at a second Etsy shop
All photographs used in these posts are the property of TMCPhoto with the exceptions of linked photos used in features and linked in posts
I there are three blogs I curate/write here, and one that I help out on. One is a little about me, my family life, my creative life and how they intermingle. I do features on artists and also tutorials. One focuses on my year and a day of study towards my dedication to the Goddess. The third and newest is a chronicle of a public art project I have started. The one I help out with is the husband's and is tied into his stomp box building business. I help out there painting the boxes for one a kind boxes. I sometimes post in teh blog if he's too busy.