Wednesday, December 21, 2011

spinning spinning

And my thoughts they spinand I am left off balance, gasping waiting for the room to stillall those moments dancing by. lightning fast too swift to seeall jumbled. separate. melted. apart. turning ever more inwards towards that still. quiet. center towards the raucous celebration

The wheel keeps turning on and on and waits for no one to get their act together no matter what may be causing the detours. Looking back at the last year it's all a blur. but that's how it goes when you introduce a new human into the family they take up time and attention and then before you know it the harvest is in the days grow shorter and Samhain passes with the barest of attention and then it's Yule and time once again to plan for the future.

Once again I head into the lengthening days with the best of intentions and the knowledge that I will approach them with an open heart and mind. 

The above is an Etsy Treasury that I've just made. It illustrates how this year has seemed to go for me. The verse is my own also a little bit about how I've felt over the last twelve months. A little muddled, ecstatic, in control, out of control, loud, quiet, dancing, singing, crying; for there has been loss (I will miss you terribly Gran, every time I think to reach for the phone to have a visit the loss hits again) and laughter; for life goes on and it is impossible nit to laugh with two funny girls in my care.

On this longest darkest night I bend my thoughts to what I want to discard, burn in the flames that will light the dark tonight:

my tendency to over analyze and talk myself out of opportunity

And what I want to get out of the coming days:

a garden more abundant than last year, more art, more singing, more dancing, a re-entry into employment...

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